General Meetings are held once a month on the first Tuesday of the month (7 – 9pm), from January to May and from September through November
July & August have no meetings as most Rockhounds are busy in the field or with family excursions.
Social Events usually a fundraiser are held in February (Family Day) & a picnic in June. and Christmas Dinner is in December
Next General Meeting will be: CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
at : Qualicum Beach Civic Centre 747 Jones Street, Qualicum Beach BC
Presentation: Michael Outhwaite, a member of our Rock & Gem Clubwho will talk about his numerous visits to Morocco and some of his finds and experiences.
Michael is a long standing, hard working club member from Hornby Island. He owns his own landscaping business on Hornby that keeps him very busy, he still manages to put in a lot of volunteer time for the club. Michael and his wife, Jade, have two lovey daughters, the oldest, Cassia, very capably assisted Michael with the resin casting workshop in October.
Family day will be: Monday February 17, 2025
at: Coombs fairgrounds.
We need a few volunteers to look after our display, talk to people, show them the rocks we have and oversee the kids smashing mock rocks, this is always a fun event , If you can help please contact me at: No experience required, I will be there to help set up and get everyone started.
March General Meeting will be: Tuesday March 4, 2025
at : Qualicum Beach Civic Centre 747 Jones Street, Qualicum Beach BC
Presentation:: Jack Whittles is a geologist, and also a member of our rock and gem club, he will be talking about the differences between geodes and thunder eggs.

Our Club Contact is Dawn Ryan at 250-248-6575
Our Club Facebook Page is at “Parksville and District Rock and Gem Club”
Our mailing address is:
Parksville and District Rock and Gem Club
P.O.Box 47, Parksville, BC. V9P 2G3
For more information about the Club or questions about this site, contact
Our email address for electronic transfers is: