1. I will respect private property and do no rockhounding without the owner’s permission.
2. I will use no firearms or blasting material in rockhounding areas.
3. I will take garbage home or deposit in proper receptacles.
4. I will leave gates as found.
5. I will do no willful damage to materials or take more than I can reasonably use.
6. I will fill excavations which may be dangerous to livestock.
7. I will build fires in designated places or safe places only, and make sure they are completely extinguished before leaving.
8. I will not contaminate wells, creeks or other water supplies.
9. I will not tamper with signs, structural facilities or equipment.
10. I will obey all laws and regulations of forestry and game departments in the area in which I am hunting.
11. I will appreciate and protect our heritage of natural resources and wild life.
12. I will always use good outdoor manners.
13. I will show respect to other members.
Source: British Columbia Lapidary Society Directory, 2010-2011
We expect all members will subscribe to this Code of Ethics.